List of Companies in Naro Moru, Kenya

Searching for businesses in Naro Moru? Explore a directory of 24 companies located in Naro Moru, Kenya. Top companies in Kenya, businesses near me.
We found 24 companies

AtoZ IT Services.

Corridor, Glound Floor, Lindun House, Naro Moru
AtoZ IT SErvices  Cyber services: @50cts/min.  Scanning, Photocopy, Printing, and Lamination.  Itax: Kra pin, itax returns, compliance certificate.  E-Citizen Services/Huduma eg NTSA, Driving licence renewal, Business licence renewal, Good Conduct, Car sea...
 Verified+7  Years with us


110,Naromoru, Naro Moru
IT HELDESK ADMINISTRATION  Provide a single technical point of contact for users; via email, phone, and IT helpdesk support system.  Provision of first line user support on desktop environment, Networking and Business Applications  Identify/Troubleshoot/Esc...
 Verified+12  Years with us

Vanan Transcription Services

4615 Lake-view Parkway,, Naro Moru
Generally, the value of Fast transcription services vary depending at the factors involved. Fast Transcribing services normally observe the source cloth, the time for transcription, charge in step with piece or consumer’s bidding request as elements that may h...
 Verified+5  Years with us

EcoFuels Kenya

Rift Valley, Naro Moru
Eco Fuels Kenya is a for-profit social enterprise dedicated to transforming the environment, supply chain, and operations. Our mission is to produce biofuel, organic fertilizers, and plant health products from the nuts and seeds of the Croton Megalocarpus, a n...

Mt. Kenya Leisure Lodge

Head Office, Mt. Kenya Leisure Lodge, Naro Moru, Box 382-101005, Naro Moru

Naro Moru River Cottages & Campsite

Naro Moru River Lodge, Box 18-10105, Naro Moru

Burguret View Academy

Near Secondary School Naromoru/Nanyuki Rd, 264-10105 , Naro Moru

Flush Products Ltd

Postal Address : 139-10105 Naro Moru, Naro Moru

Naromoru Boys Secondary School

Naromoru/Nanyuki Rd, 85-10105 , Naro Moru