Questions & Answers for London Distillers (K) Ltd - Nairobi

Here you will find questions & answers for London Distillers (K) Ltd. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or users.
In rough estimates, how much do I need to redistribute wines and spirits in starting business? Please advise.
I intend to apply for finance intern in ldk between January and April 2018.please advice.
How do I get intouch with human resources desk?
Intend to be an Liquor Retailer in Kasarani Estate and would like you to be my distributor, Would you kindly send me your Price lists via the email indicated herein.
Do you give industrial attachment in your company for a student who is pursuing a diploma in electrical and electronics engineering?
Looking forward to buy your products as a wholesaler. Where do i get the products and best prices in nairobi?
How can i get help from finance or credit control departments?
How do i get intouch with human resources desk?
I am looking for Industrial attachment, how will you help?

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