London Distillers (K) LtdLDK Hse Dunga Rd, 57387-00200 City Square+254206531007
DK thrives on 125 years of know-how in manufacturing of liquor in other parts of the world. Today, LDK continues to remain the single undisputed modern distillery in the country and in the East African region.
Its sterling growth is attributed to growing need for high quality spirits in the region over the years. LDK head offices are based in Nairobi, with its distillery spread over 350 acres of land in Athi River. A vast majority of this land is dedicated to an effluent treatment plant. LDK consciously strives hard to ensure eco-friendly operations.
London Distillers (K) LtdLDK Hse Dunga Rd, 57387-00200 City Square+254206531007
This is the most successful wines and spirit distller company.It produces quality Drinks
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