List of Companies in Wundanyi, Kenya
Searching for businesses in Wundanyi? Explore a directory of 93 companies located in Wundanyi, Kenya. Top companies in Kenya, businesses near me.
We found 93 companies
China Sharing Diamond Tools Co., Ltd.
Head Office Add: 12F, Wukuang Building, #226 Dongdu Road, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, P.R. China, Wundanyi
Sharing Diamond tools Co., Ltd is the division of Xiamen Sharing Group. We are supplying high quality Diamond Tools in China with more than 5 years, especially for the stone (Granite, Marble) working industry. Also we have good experiences in the Concrete, Asp...
Verified+13 Years with us
Barclays Bank of Kenya Ltd
Wundanyi Branch, P.O. Box 1277-80304, Wundanyi
Premier banking services in Kenya’s coastal region.
Barclays Bank is one of the leading banks in Kenya. The Republic of Kenya, is situated in East Africa and has a population of 33 million people with a GDP growth rate of 2.3% per annum. The currency is the shilling and the banking sector is served by 40 plu...
1011 Wundanyi, Taita Taveta, Wundanyi
Excellence in education and holistic development.
School code:M3050046School zone:MBALESchool sponsor:RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONGirls/Boys/Mixed:BOYS ONLYDay/Boarding:DAY & BOARDINGOrdinary/Special:ORDINARYStudents:512Total teaching staff:25PTA board of governors female teacher:0PTA board of governors male teache...
Verified Updated
3Murray Girls High School
Wusi Community Chawia Location, 1069-80304 , Wundanyi
Empowering young women through quality education.
4Taita Taveta Teachers Sacco Society Ltd
Taita Taveta Teachers Co-Op Hse, Mezz Flr Shopping Centre, 1186-80304 , Wundanyi
Taveta Rd, Mwatate Town, P.O. Box: 47, 80305 Mwatate, Wundanyi
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