Questions & Answers for Bedi Investments - Kiambu

Here you will find questions & answers for Bedi Investments. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or users.
I am renson waswa pursuing fashion and design and garment making my question is that would I be accommodated for attachment this month from next week?
Is there any vaccant as a general worker?I request for one
Am a first year student at machakos university doing fashion and design but from nakuru am requesting if u can offer me attachment in your firm starting may this year.your response will be very much appreciated.
Is there any Vacancy for an IT Oficer?
Is there any vacancy in accounting department
Hey, do you have tulle fabric?
Any Job Opertunity in your garment fty ????
yes pls send us your cv on [email protected]

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