Questions & Answers for St Luke's Orthopaedic and Trauma Hospital - Eldoret

Here you will find questions & answers for St Luke's Orthopaedic and Trauma Hospital. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or users.
Does St Luke's ENT department sell hearing aids? I need some this month of Ear and Hearing Care
I am in need of a prosthetic Leg {below the knee}, Kindly advise how I can contact you.
How can I apply for a job as a nurse
How can i make enquiries about my patients situation?
i have a patient i so desire to bring to the hospital, how do i get to the consultation and orthopedic doctors appointment or schedule of working workers? urgent please
Hello Kindly use our numbers ********. Thanks
How can I book appointment for Dr. Lelei?

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