About the product
Accounting Systems
Advice during set up of accounting systems including instituting relevant controls to ensure they function as desired.
Policies and Procedures
Helping our clients to develop policies and procedures geared towards best practices where they did not exist or reviewing existing policies and procedure documents in with a view to bringing improvement.
Risk Management
Helping our clients to develop risk mechanisms that will enable them to identify business risks, assess impact thereof and take action necessary to mitigating such impact. Where such mechanisms are in place already, we can undertake regular reviews that will help in continuous improvement of such systems.
Strategic Planning
Conducting reviews of vision, mission and objectives in light of the laid down strategies to achieve the same. It involves determining the operating and financial parameters that would enable the measurement of overall performance in line with the objectives. We assist in implementing the Balance Score Card to help review performance by individuals.
Internal Audit Services
We offer outsourcing of internal audit services to review and appraise management on full scale basis via DMC’s seconded staff or on periodic basis depending on clients’ particular needs.
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