DHL is the world's leading logistic company. We connect people and markets and enable global trade. We aspire to be the first choice for our customers, employees and investors worldwide. We are the logistics provider of the world with over 590,000 employees in more than 220 countries and territories; we are pride to be called the number one World's Best Workplace, we are one of the biggest private employers worldwide. We commit ourselves to making our customers, employees and shareholders more successful – without compromising on results. We are an organization that is not just moving goods around, we have a very clear purpose, and we are: Connecting People and Improving Lives. Our goal has always been to attract and retain the best talent across the globe. We provide challenges and Show more opportunities for personal and professional development, we recognize the difference you bring to our business and together we share the pride of building one of the largest world leaders in logistics and supply chain.
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