Review Bullying and Harassment

Bullying and Harassment
The first step in addressing bullying is to report it to the school. Unfortunately, though, they do not always get the response they are looking for. There are still teachers and administrators out there who just do not take complaints about bullying seriously. They may either ignore the issue altogether or they downplay the severity and frequency of the issue.

Meanwhile, other educators claim they will address the issue, but then not only fail to investigate the bullying but also do not discipline the school bullies. And if they do dole out consequences, they sometimes do not follow through or they end up bending the rules slightly. This type of experience can be very frustrating for parents. When their child is being victimized, they just want the bad behavior to come to an end. And they need the help of educators to address it. Please address the problem thats going on at the moment. Don't overlook things. listen and Act. Its really sad that this school has come to this.

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