M-Junior Children Finance Literacy Program

About the product
Financial Literacy is a core life skill, especially in this day and age when children are growing up in a highly complex world. “There’s no way to expect a child at any age to understand money unless you talk about it,” says Neale Godfrey, author of “Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees:
Whether Children come from low-income backgrounds or more privileged ones, learning basic concepts of personal finance like saving, sharing and spending is essential for growth and child development. The early years are the best time. Brain development is at its peak in the first five years, and lessons learned can be lifelong. Our Children Financial Empowerment Program introduces the concept of financial literacy to children from 5 years of age. Program is designed to enable the children of different ages develop positive money attitude and habits for a lifetime of financial well-being.

The objectives of this course in to assist children;
Learn how to handle money and nurture healthy/positive money attitudes;
Learn how to budget;
Understand the difference between needs and wants;
Understand how to grow their talents.

Areas of Coverage:
What is money;
Needs Vs. Wants;
Money Responsibility;
The Art of Budgeting;
Making spending Decisions;
Comparison Shopping;
Assets & Liabilities;
A culture of saving;
 Introduction to Investments; Etc.

The training is fun and highly interactive. Children are called on to engage in activities and discussions throughout the training session(s). We also make use of various media to illustrate key points, including video clips and music. This allows participants to learn more, remember more and apply more!
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