List of Companies in Gatundu, Kenya
Searching for businesses in Gatundu? Explore a directory of 6 companies located in Gatundu, Kenya. Top companies in Kenya, businesses near me.
We found 6 companies
SmarTechK Internet
Gatundu-Kinare road, Gatundu
Innovative internet solutions for Gatundu residents.
Our main objective is to offer solutions to our clients by providing fast, affordable and reliable internet services.
Equity Bank Limited
GATUNDU, P.O. Box 528-01030, Gatundu
Leading financial services provider in Kenya.
With over 4.1 million accounts, accounting for over 52% of all bank accounts in Kenya, Equity Bank is the largest bank in the region in terms of customer base. The solidness of Equity Bank is underpinned by its shareholder's funds base of over Kshs 19 billion,...
647, Gatundu
Addiction counseling services, Psychosocial therapies etc
Verified+12 Years with us
3Gatundu District Hospital
Gatundu , P.O.Box 84, 01030, Gatundu
Quality healthcare services in Gatundu, Kenya.
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