Questions & Answers for SAROVA HOTELS LTD (HEAD OFFICE) - Nairobi

Here you will find questions & answers for SAROVA HOTELS LTD (HEAD OFFICE) . All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or users.
Kindly confirmed, is it true your having interview at sarova stanley on 22nd january 2020..?
Is Jeniffer Wangui the human resources manager at the hotel..?
I have recently completed my secondary school education attaining a D+ as mean grade i would like to pursue a career in hospitality.A friend of mine recently told me about a training programme offered in different hotels in different departments.I would like to know if this information is valid or not.If it truly is valid i would like to know the application process for training in your reputable hotel as i know training with you would provide a solid foundation for my career.I would appreciate your assistance.Thank you in advance.
Could you please let me have contact details for the buying department (decor, furniture etc.)?
Asante Sana, Colin Tiffany

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