Questions & Answers for TNT Express Worldwide (K) Ltd - Mombasa

Here you will find questions & answers for TNT Express Worldwide (K) Ltd. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or users.
Still waiting fro my package at Miritini- The shipment (consignment) number is: ********
Could I humbly get the charges of sending a 120 kgs parcel from Mombasa to Hyderabad, India?
Morning how are you?
Could i please get the charges of sending a parcel to Kalten kirchen, harmburg Germany from Mombasa kenia.
1. Briefly explain the history of TNT express.
2. What has made TNT a global success?
3. What is the company's competitive edge?
4. When did the company enter the Kenyan Market?
5. what are the challenges you encounter in the Kenyan Market and internationally?
6. What are the prospects for the future in the Kenya market?
7. How will the entry of the Standard Gauge Railway impact the Kenyan market and how does your company stand to benefit or lose?

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