Questions & Answers for Mega Wholesalers Ltd - Nairobi, Kenya
Here you will find questions & answers for Mega Wholesalers Ltd . All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or users.
Where can i download your app for order?
I want to be a wholesaler kwa mtaa wangu?do you provide such incentive to such young and little upcoming entrepreneurs?
Do you do your deliver county wide?
Do you supply goods to any part in Kenya?
What is the price of a bale of molflix baby diapers?
Hi Mega,can i buy consumer goods for resale to rural Muranga and Nyeri.
I would like to sell diapers tissues and wipes to shops .
Any advice please
Any advice please
I want to sell diapers to shopkeepers pls give your prices
Looking for pampeeno diapers and Pakistan rice prices please.
How much is 50kg local sugar, kabras sugar 2kgs and 1kg in bail, solo maize flour 1 and 2 kgs bails, sindano rice 25kg, cooking oil 1, 2, 3,5,10,20 litres, Jamaal bar soap carton menengai bar soap carton,
What is the 50kg sugarbag price?kindly send me the price of rice25kg,soap (ndume?,and Ajab floor bale
25kg rice is worth KES 1000 CALL ******** for transportation to your premises.
Want your products n i have a wholesale Shop,can u give me your price list
Iam a young enterpnuer in kitengela and always approaching you sales men to place some small orders of 20/30k but they always tell me they want people who make big orders from 60k plus why?
Hello wha is the wholesale price of of toilex tissue papers and the Arimis jelly please?
What's the wholesale prices of diapers,softcare,kisskid BBcool,mamas baby.wipes