Black Tea

About the product
Kenya tea is renowned worldwide for being the best quality black tea. Years of research have produced high quality, high yielding and pest and disease resistant varieties of this tea. Kenya tea is therefore natural and pure because no pesticides or other chemicals are used.

At harvesting, the choicest of the upper two leaves and a bud are hand-plucked, followed by expert manufacture under stringent conditions at source, to ensure maximum quality. Tea made using the CTC method produces more infusion giving surfaces and brews stronger, thicker, brighter and brisk teas thereby ensuring maximum cuppage per unit weight.

It is from these teas that our expert cuppers carefully select the finest black CTC tea.

We have the following grades on offer:- BP1 (broken pekoes 1), PF1 (pekoe fannings 1, PDUST (pekoe dust) , and DUST 1.
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