Unclaimed Financial Assets Solutions

About the product
As the Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority (UFAA) steps up its enforcement efforts, many companies are grappling with the complexities and scope of the Unclaimed Financial Assets Act (UFA) law and requirements. OneSource's UFA professionals are committed to helping clients navigate the maze of UFA law and effectively apply the law to their businesses.

We work with clients to ensure compliance with UFA regulations and strategically implement solutions to reduce overall UFA exposure. Our comprehensive service model focuses on guiding our clients through the UFA compliance process and providing them with the most effective solutions for proactively and efficiently identifying, capturing, and reporting UFA.

Our expertise in every aspect of the UFA law makes OneSource the definitive strategic partner for companies and industries concerned with mitigating UFA risks and ensuring effective internal controls, transactional planning, and establishing comprehensive policies and procedures to further enhance your compliance efforts which in turn can reduce the risk of an audit.

We are your unclaimed assets solutions and compliance provider!
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