Questions & Answers for DWA ESTATE LTD

Here you will find questions & answers for DWA ESTATE LTD . All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or users.
My name is festus have a degree in agricultural extenstion education my humble question is can i get a job in your campany?
Hi am am security guard with a good skills in control room machine and I've been working at gilgil barack and I've 5 years experience in security..please may I get a job at DWA company.
I am an electrical engineer with a diploma and with the knowledge of installation and machine maintenance can I get a job in your company??
Hey Good evening I'm Alex from Nairobi I was requesting if I can get a job vacancy as a plumber in your company...I have an experience of 4years now ...
Hae there.I am an ex supervisor at Teita Estate Limited in Mwatate seeking employment at DWA
Hae Can I get employed by this company again?
How can get dwa sisal contact?

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